Friday, September 26, 2008

At School Again...

I figured I would write a quick update today! It is the end of my first week back at school. I have finished the first textbook already! It was a pretty easy part of the class, so it leaves more time for the harder stuff!

It seems to me that Logan is having quite a hard time adjusting to his new routine. I feel bad everyday for Dad when I leave him there. Apparently yesterday Logan cried for 6 hours while I was gone. :( He is definitely a Mommy's boy. I miss him a lot while I am here at school. But I am glad that I am finishing this because I really NEED to. For myself, and my family. I want to make sure that we have a great start to life.

Now for some amusing facts about school. My workstation is next to the program's mini fridge! And the microwave. I swear, four people yesterday made popcorn. That is SO annoying. The sound, the smell.. ughh. Posted on the mini fridge is this sign.. which I read everyday and is kind of interesting:

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

That kind of makes me think. I definitely have cried because time is moving so fast with Logan. I can't believe that he is almost three months old already! I've got the taking too many pictures down too! (My 4GB flash drive that Mom bought me is already pretty much full of Logan pictures and video! I'm going to have to buy another, or an external hard drive maybe..).

I'm glad for what being a Mom has taught me already. Take time for the little things. One smile, one giggle, one hiccup, can make my day. Savor everyday moments that you will never get back. Love every moment of it. Laugh as much as you can. Even when Logan decides to pee all over you and himself five minutes before you have to walk out the door. Be late, spend time together. The world will wait. :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

At School

Well, here I am, sitting at school on a Wednesday morning. I've gotten a ton of work done already today (worked through 4 chapters of the Understanding Computers book). So I figured I'd take a minute to write a quick update.. even though technically I shouldn't be on here! Oh well. Things are going well so far, I am already halfway through this textbook, and it's only been 2 1/2 days! Since Bates is competency based, I don't necessarily have to read everything if I know it already. I just have to take some tests, or in this case, just fill out the review questions at the end of each chapter. I'm really glad that this part is easy, I'm trying to finish as much of the program this year as possible. If I can work through this first book this week only, then I can go ahead and start working through the A+ textbook. That is the basics of PC repair.

I am really enjoying myself this year. This material is way more interesting to me than the electronics was last year. This is what I want to do, and I have so much more motivation this year, so I am really excited.

Logan is doing fairly well with Dad. He watches him for us. I think in the next couple of weeks, Logan will get more used to the routine, and it will be even better for Dad. Right now, Logan goes through spurts of about an hour where he will not calm down and just screams. (Poor Dad!) But it sounded like yesterday (only the 2nd day) he only had one major outburst, and most of the other time he was either sleeping (3 hour nap!) or playing. Dad also took him for a little stroll around the neighborhood, which Logan seemed to enjoy too! Yay! I know that as Logan grows up, he and Dad are going to have a great bond. I am so glad that Dad agreed to help us out. I am so excited that they will be lifelong buddies!

We go pick up Logan's portraits today!! I am SO excited to see how they all turned out.

He is growing like a weed too! He has grown out of some of his newborn clothes, and fits into some three month clothes now too. My little guy is growing up!

Anyway, I should probably stop for now, before I get in trouble, haha!


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Logan Portraits

Let me know if you are interested in ordering any and I will send you the information!


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Smiley guy!

Taken today!

Kind of a sad day...

Today was the last day I could go to Mom and Baby Class. I have really enjoyed it the last five weeks. I always get lots of useful information from the other moms and the facilitator. It was really fun to see all the cute babies every week! Today we heard from some moms that worked out of their home, and ones that were coupon-o-holics! They had some great info on how to save money.

Since I start school next Monday, I will be there during the time the class is. I will be going to school Monday-Friday from 7-3, and Dad will be watching Logan.

I am excited, but very nervous to be leaving Logan so long out of everyday! Oh well.. I need to finish this program!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Monday Already?

This weekend went by very quickly! I'm sure Nick feels the same. Only one more week until I start school. I can hardly believe it's that time already! Logan is two months old today. Where has the time gone? It feels like just yesterday he was born. On the other hand, I can't remember life before him either. He is growing and turning into a real little boy with a very cute personality. He is so smiley when he isn't uncomfortable or hungry!

Last Tuesday, at mom and baby class, he weighed 11 lbs, 5 oz! My guess is that this Tuesday he will be over 12 lbs! He is growing out of some of his newborn onesies too. He's getting so big!!

This weekend we spent with Martha and Doug out at their house. Nick suggested it Friday night, so we spent Friday and Saturday nights out there. Logan was pretty good the whole time we were there. He slept for his longest stretch ever, 4 1/2 hours, Friday night. Woohoo! I'm hoping that will become more of a habit.

Now that we've got his formula straightened out, I'm going to try and get his schedule/routine down. I really want him to get into some good habits, not only for us, but for my dad who will be watching him while I'm at school and Nick is at work. We've been doing pretty well so far when we are at home. I think we might just need to be home for a couple of weeks at bedtime to really get it down.

At 8:30, we either give him a bath or read a couple of books. We give him a bottle and put him down.

That's about as far as we've gotten for something that happens everyday. I'm really working on him not needing to eat more often than 3 hours at a time. If we can stretch his feedings from every 2 hours to every 3, he will probably sleep longer at night.

Well, I better get to bed while he is asleep! Goodnight!

(Oh.. just so I know how many people are reading this.. because I am a curious girl, would everyone mind leaving a comment? Thanks!!)


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Rub a Dub Dub it's Playtime in the Tub!

Don't mind the nudity.. Logan stopped kicking as much when we tried to cover the goods! :P

BIG Smile!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Busy Week!

Wow. Finally a moment to stop and take a breather! This whole week has been a whirlwind of activities, since Nick's cousin Brian was staying with us. We couldn't have him thinking we were just a bunch of lazy people! (Even though we are most of the time!)

Sunday the 1st, Brian flew in from Southern California, and we all went and stayed the night at Nick's parents house. (Nick, me, Pat, Brian, and Logan.) We stayed up and played the Wii and watched this horrible Mormon movie, The Buttercream Gang.

Monday, Dad came over, and the guys (minus Dad) went boating on the lake while Martha, Dad, Logan and I hung out on the beach. It was kind of chilly, but ended up getting nicer towards the end of the afternoon. When we went back to their house, we had a barbeque! We played some more Wii and then headed home late that night.

Tuesday, Pat had to go to work, so Brian got to hang out with us boring people and the screaming baby! Logan wasn't a very happy camper this week unfortunately. We got Frisco Freeze and just hung out and watched TV.

Wednesday, Pat worked again, so Nick and I took Brian on a scenic tour (after eating at Quizno's!) of Point Defiance Park. We went right at dusk. When we were driving through the 5 mile drive, we saw two fox! We stopped the car and they came right up to us. We also saw tons of raccoons.

Thursday, Nick and I just hung out here while Pat and Brian did some stuff.

Friday, Nick took the day off. They all convinced me to let Martha and Doug take Logan overnight. Wow was that hard!! I missed the little guy so much. While they took him, we 4 went up to Seattle. We did the Duck tour that leaves from right across the EMP. It was a nice ride, although the tourguide was really corny, and not that great. It was awesome when we went out on Lake Washington in the car/boat! After the tour, we all went to Safeco Field to the Mariners/Yankees game. We all thought we would be watching a smackdown of the Mariners, but it was actually a really good game and we WON! 3-1! It was cool.

Saturday morning, Nick and I were both really missing Logan. We had had a great night of sleep for the first time in 7 weeks! We met Nick's parents out at American Lake with their boat. The guys all went boating/wakeboarding/innertubing again while Martha, Logan and I hung out on the beach. It turned into a beautiful day! Logan slept most of the time, and was really happy when he was actually awake.

Yesterday, Sunday, all of Nick's family went to the Puyallup Fair. Nick has a cold/flu thing so he ended up staying home. The fair got really crowded pretty quickly, since it's the first weekend. We had a good time, but I could tell Logan was getting extremely hot and tired.

I guess that's about all we did this week. Now for the Logan update.

He had been on Lactose Free formula, but he was getting really constipated from it (poor guy!). He was struggling so hard and would sit and cry and cry. He was barely sleeping again because his tummy hurt so bad. So we tried the Soy formula that Dr. Alleman gave us. We started it Friday night when he was at Doug and Martha's, so we didn't get to see the first night's results. They said he slept for about three hours at a time though, and was having normal bowel movements, yay! So we've kept him on the soy, and it seems like he is liking that a lot better. We were buying the Target brand, but once again, today it made him really constipated. So I went back and bought the real Similac stuff. It is twice as expensive, but I am pretty sure it will keep him regulated, and pain free and that's all that matters.

I just realized tonight that he is turning into a big boy! I had to take out his neck support in the carseat because his head wasn't fitting in it anymore, and he also grew out of the Gerber Newborn onesies. I have so many of those, I'm going to have to go through all of his clothes soon. I can't believe he's getting so big!

I guess that's it for now. I am going to put a bunch of pictures on here so bear with me!


Hanging out in the bouncer with a huge smile!


Hi Guys!


Nick and I at the Duck tour.


All 4 of us on the Duck tour.


The Mariners/Yankees game.


At the game, and Brian being silly!


At American Lake.


So comfy on the grass!


*hiccup* I wasn't drinkin' occifer!


First time in the boat! (in the parking lot) ;)


Happy baby in the car!


Sleepy baby and sunburned Mommy!


At the Fair!