Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Quick Update!

I hope everyone is doing well!

Logan is getting SOO big! I can't believe he is over 3 months old already. Today he is 100 days old! He is growing in leaps and bounds! Last week, he started rolling over. He has only rolled over at Dad's house, so I haven't seen it yet, but I know he can do it. He also started sucking his left thumb this past week! It is the cutest thing! Sometimes he can't quite get just his thumb, so he will suck his index finger and thumb pinched together on his left hand. What a cutie!

We switched his binky to a new kind. The one he got from the hospital was getting too small, and was pretty nasty. Somehow, all his drool got in between the rubber layers and it was getting all green. Disgusting! So he isn't quite sure about his new binky, but I don't think it will take to long to get used to it.

Night before last, we gave him a little rice cereal in his bottle. I was kind of apprehensive to do it at first, since everything I have read says not to do it until he is four months old. However, we just couldn't take the waking every two hours to sleep anymore. So we gave him a little cereal, and he slept from 11:15pm-6am when we had to get up for work/school! WOW! I thought we were on the right track, but last night he was back to waking every two hours. Hmm.

The night before that, I had him sleep in his stroller (it goes completely flat). He woke up a few times to eat, but after he was done, I put him back in it and he would put himself to sleep! It was the first night that he never ended up in our bed!

So we had two big sleeping milestones (might have been flukes...). October 19, 2008: First time without sleeping in our bed for any part of the night, and October 20, 2008: First time sleeping through the night.

I weighed him on our scale the other day, so it isn't completely accurate, but I am guessing he weighs around 14 pounds. We also measured his length, and he is 24 1/2-25 inches long! He is getting so big!

He likes sitting up now, and prefers to do that than lay down. He can also pull himself up pretty well from a laying position to a sitting position using someones hands. He is also showing interest in toys now! He has a cute little giraffe rattle that is super soft that he likes to chew on, and there are a pair of plastic keys that have a little sun "keychain" that plays songs. It is easy for him to push, so he can actually turn it on himself!

As for us, I go in for my surgery consultation this afternoon. Hopefully I will get it scheduled to it happens soon. I can feel the hernia getting larger, and it is pushing out more. I'm trying not to lift too much, but I have a 3 month old, so not lifting anything is impossible. It is also getting quite more painful. Hopefully the surgeon will realize that I need to get this done as soon as possible.

We are also going to be putting the condo back on the market in the next couple of weeks. There are just a couple of things I need to finish up in the bathroom, and we need to keep the place spotless. (Very hard with so much baby stuff around!) Although the market is really crappy, I am really hoping we can get this sold soon. I am so ready to finally have our own place for our family.

Well, I guess that is about it for now, I need to get back to work. I will talk to you all soon.


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