Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wow, it's been a long time.

I can't believe I've let it get to be a few months since I've written here! I am a bad Mommy!

First, a very important update: Logan is just fine! We got news in August, after sending new biopsies off to Seattle Children's hospital that his tumors were in fact Fibrous Hamartoma of Infancy, and still benign after all! Then, the even better news came when the lumps started going down, and we realized it was just scar tissue that had built up quickly, not the tumors regrowing as we had feared! We just had a check up on Monday, and he's still looking great! No sign of tumors, and now we don't go back for six months! Dr. Gandhi said the longer we are out from the recurrence, the less likely they are to come back! Yay!

Logan had his 15 month check up last Friday with Dr. Alleman. He was 22 lbs, 11 oz and 31 1/2 inches long. He is at the 25th percentile for weight now and the 50th percentile for height. Dr. Alleman said he got a little skinnier just because he's walking and almost running, and just being generally more active now.

He is growing up so well! I can't believe how big my baby has gotten! He is such a little ham, and has such a funny little personality. He loves tickling Mom and Dad, and now he dances to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse hot dog song! He has a whole routine he does! He stomps his feet and then spins in circles, and does it over and over, all the while saying "ah dog, ah dog!" It is the funniest thing.

He is in the process of getting all four of his one year molars. That sure has been fun. NOT. He hasn't been sleeping very well, so of course Mom and Dad are pretty tired too. But we are all surviving.

Some of his favorite things right now are:

1. Fans. He loves seeing fans.. ceiling fans, stand up fans, box fans.. it doesn't matter. Anytime he sees one if he can reach it, he'll go stand by it and start talking to it. It's a favorite passtime at Poppa's house, and we even call it Mr. Fan (and Mr. Vacuum too!). He holds entire conversations with them.

2. Logan-ese. His said language with the fans, we have no idea what he's saying. He will start repeating what you say though, especially if it is something like "Boogity boogity boo."

3. Hiding all sorts of food in his high chair for later. He loves to make little piles of food in his high chair so he can swing back by later and snack while he's playing! Or if it doesn't like it, he'll stick it next to his legs and then wiggle them very quickly back and forth so all the food goes out the leg holes. Or for the food he REALLY doesn't care for, he'll just dump it over the side of the tray.

4. Throwing himself back for his sippy cup. Our sweet little boy still hasn't learned how to sit UP and hold a cup, he must lay down to drink, so as soon as he sees his cup (even if its empty), he throws his head back and lays down. It doesn't matter where he is. He could throw himself down on Poppa's shoe, right at his high chair leg, right onto the hard wood floors, or, when he's feeling particularly cute, he'll grab a pillow first and then lay his head on it.

5. Opening doors. That's his new trick this week! We have the lever style doors in our house, and the little stinker has figured out how to open them! We better watch out, no more using the bathroom in peace again!

6. Picking up toys. This is one of my favorites. He has learned that anytime he puts toys in his toy box, Mommy will clap her hands and go "Yayyyy Logan!" He thinks it's hilarious, so he picks up ALL his toys. (and then proceeds to take them all out again!)

7. Reading books. He will sit and read his books over and over for a good 20 minutes, and in toddlerworld, that is an eternity! Dr. Alleman actually asked us while we were there if he did this, and he was very impressed when I told him yes. (He said he seemed very smart and attentive for his age!) He really likes his dinosaur book with the different textures and the bright colors in it.

8. Putting on his shoes! He knows exactly where his shoes go, and he loves getting them on his feet now! He even has started handing me his feet. I'm also excited to say that yesterday, he did his own velcro!

9. Brushing his teeth. I am a bad Mommy and for the longest time, forgot to brush his teeth, but we've been very good for the last few weeks to brush them. He is so good about it, I think it feels good on the ones that are coming in. He just opens right up and sits there drooling. It is quite precious!

and one more funny thing,

10. Every single animal, on TV or in real life, is a Doggie. It is the cutest thing. It could be a horse, or a bug, it is a Doggie. :)

It is amazing how much he's growing up, and how fast. I'm going to try and be a little better about writing here. So many times I've thought lately about writing, just a few minutes a day. There are so many things he does, like give me a hug and wave bye bye every morning when I drop him off, that I don't want to forget. I let this blog get to be about only the big things, but I want to remember the little things too. I'm going to try really hard to write at least a few times a week about the mundane. I need to for myself. I want to look back in five, ten years, and read all these things that made me laugh, made me frustrated, and made me smile. I don't want to forget the cute little voice that says "Hi" to me everyday, and I'm afraid I will.

I need to stop and smell the roses. I'm so busy with life, that I'm not taking time to enjoy it.

I graduate school in six weeks. Then, it's off to the "real world". It's hard to remember that I'm already there.

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